The dental check up is a very important part of maintaining your oral health. At the check up we will be carrying out various checks around you mouths to ensure you are healthy, and to spot any potential warning signs e.g. gum disease, cavities etc.

Did You Know?

Dental pain is not always the first sign of a complication developing. It is often an indication that a problem has developed further and will require more treatment to rectify. By attending your 6 monthly check ups, we can help you to keep on top of your oral health and spot any complications from developing e.g. holes in teeth.

What Does a Dental Check Up Involve?

We will examine your gums, mouth and teeth for any changes (since we last saw you) or any signs of a problem that you may be unaware of:

  • Health of teeth
  • Cavities (holes in teeth)
  • Signs of gum disease
  • Signs of oral cancer
  • Oral hygiene (plaque/tartar build up)
  • Any other causes for concern

To put it simply – the check up forms an integral part of your overall dental care and helps us to spot early warning signs – which in turn can help us prevent dental complications from progressing (to ultimately help you keep your natural teeth for as long as possible!).

Dentist check up Solihull

The Cure Is Not As Good As The Prevention

Dental treatments have come on in leaps and bounds, and it’s amazing to think what is now actually possible with all this modern day dental technology

However, that being said, our natural teeth are the best set of teeth we will ever get. So it is our aim to always help you keep them for as long as possible. Problems can happen at any age, but by following best practices with your oral health (daily oral hygiene routine) and regularly visiting your dentist & hygienist, we can help you to keep them for as long as possible.